Albanian Psychosocial Agency is a company specialized in offering personal and professional development training and consulting services in the area of social care services and education. We work with individuals, public and private sector institutions and their staff, and other organizations. Our mission is to empower and enhance the knowledge and skills of professionals, community members and responsible structures.
We believe that capacity building activities, interventions and psychosocial support and reintegration services are the best way to build a resilient society which guarantees the psychosocial wellbeing of everyone. The added-value of our programs can be found in our objectives and our method of ‘learning by experience’. We focus on personal (soft) skills and professional skills development, as we strongly believe in the close and reciprocal relationship between these two types of skills. Using theoretical, research based and applied methodologies, we strive to equip individuals and organisations with knowledge and tools which develop their professional skills, therefore increasing their ability to successfully market themselves for employment and successfully carrier opportunities
APAs success and strategic value is in bringing together a team of experienced and dynamic trusted professionals who have broad expertise in the development of technical support and capacity building programs, the development and delivery of training and workshops, clinical and professional supervision, psychosocial and psychological counselling, project and program management, strategic leadership, healthcare management, etc..

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