APA – Albanian Psychosocial Agency

– Albanian Psychosocial Agency is a company specialized in offering personal and professional development training and consulting services in the area of social care services and education.

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By investing in personal and professional development through capacity building and psychosocial support, organizations can create a culture of resilience and well-being that benefits everyone. At Albanian Psychosocial Agency, we strive to empower individuals and organizations with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed and thrive.

Capacity building for personal and professional development in social services

Consultancy and technical assistance in social work and case management

Building resilience and psychosocial wellbeing


6 Agosto, 2023

Training and capacity building in social care services

Training and capacity building in social care services -Trainings and workshop -Seminars -Planning and reflection meeting -Vocational and Education Training courses -Certified
5 Agosto, 2023

Consultancy and expertise in social care services and reintegration

Consultancy and expertise in social care services and reintegration – Coaching and mentoring in social work field and case management (individual and group coaching ) – […]
4 Agosto, 2023

Supervision and psychosocial support

Supervision and psychosocial support -Individual supervision -Group supervision -Feedback sessions -Therapy and psychological support